“If you have tried to heal yourself, sought freedom from counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, pastors, and friends, and are still hurting— His High Places is for you. If your knowledge of God’s Word is remarkable but you have carried your burdens alone, given up all hope, or tried to medicate yourself through alcohol, drugs, relationships, or any kind of sin, yet in your heart of heart, your soul cries out for help—His High Places is for you. If this is you—and it was, in fact, me—His High Places will be a refuge, God’s table for you in your wilderness. If you are honest, open, humble, and willing to trust God, you will be helped and healed. You cannot heal yourself. Receive His help, reach out to His High Places, and He will help you.”
Real people and their experiences at HHP.
What God has done for them, He can do for you.
*These testimonies are the exact words of our guests and for the sake of privacy and confidentiality have used a different name.
"Sexual addiction is associated with a great deal of shame. My counselor put me at ease very quickly. It was easy to share the hurtful and shameful things inside. I was given the tools to address this issue in my life." - Physician
"I came to HHP at the lowest point in my life. I struggled almost my entire life with the same issues manifesting in various harmful ways. HHP offered life altering, mind shifting, heart reshaping truths delivered with and through the love and truth of Christ Jesus. If we don't get to the root of your damages and woundedness, we won't be set free. HHP tackles head-on the heart of what God wants us to see and know. I will never be the same and I am not going back the way I came." - My Father's Daughter
“His High Places ignited a miraculous process of healing in my heart that I’ve been crying out to God to do for years. His principles have been in His Word waiting for me the whole time. But I needed His agents of healing to walk with me through it. And I needed to really be at a place of receptivity. I was! Having lost my joy in almost every aspect of my life, HHP was the perfect place at the perfect time. Praise God!” - Georgia Baptist Convention State Missionary
“During my time with my wife at HHP, God used the counselors and staff mightily to literally change my life. After 13 years of being bound in sexual sin including adultery, pornography, and debauchery (as a Christian) I felt like God had abandoned me…Today not only do I stand on God’s promises but the Holy Spirit lives in me, directing me and leading me. Praise God, I’m free!” - Renewed, VA
“The Holy Spirit guides each counselor in what steps are needed for each individual. True love and compassion flow freely from loving people and surrounds the atmosphere helping us to feel secure in where our trust has been placed. God truly makes our feet to like hinds’ feet and set upon High Places.” - Wounded heart, NC
"For four years I have been battling depression and anxiety. I wasn't getting any relief or help from seeing a counselor weekly. I thought no one would ever be able to help me. I was desperate! I was so fragile and hurt when I arrived at His High Places. But I was greeted with open arms. I fully experienced God's unconditional love at HHP. The counseling I received was Christ-centered, wonderfully structured and enlightening." - Praising and Glorifying God!
"Being in full time ministry, it is very hard to trust and to entrust personal information. HHP created an atmosphere for healing in my life and understood the trust factor. It ministered to my body, soul and spirit. I could feel the Holy Spirit doing heart surgery on my innermost being." - Pastor's Wife
"Having the opportunity to be at HHP was one of the greatest blessings in my entire life. Issues that I never realized were affecting my life were dealt with. My life was changed forever more." - Pastor
"I have always struggled with anxiety an inability to sense God's presence. During my stay at His High Places, God worked through the McMillan's and through the amazing Appalachian setting to reveal Himself in ways I never imagined." - Christian College Professor
"This experience is unlike any other counseling I've received over the years. I was not left feeling void, yet filled with the Holy Spirit and His amazing work in me. I know things will only get better from here. A crop of rotten and unusable fruit was harvested. Then a new plot tilled, seeds planted and fresh abundant fruit ready for the picking." - Wife & Mother, FL
“I was blessed when I came in, and I was blessed when I left. My entire stay at HHP was immersed in God’s grace which allowed me to find a safe place to renew, restore, and heal. I encountered the hospitality of Jesus in this place, and the ministry to my broken spirit was both Spirit-led and clinically insightful. I am grateful.” - Mark from Washington State
"I came to His High Places broken and feeling hopeless. I immediately felt the love and care from my counselor and everyone else. I learned the tools to help me navigate through difficult times, but most importantly I felt the Love of Christ and His presence. I am forever changed because of my time and fellowship at His High Places." - Teacher Mom, IL
“I was lost — but now I’m found! I came to His High Places from a very hopeless place in life as I saw it. I once thought I was living right and good but found myself in the cycle of depression again as so many times before. But this time it wouldn’t go away. After three years I was so deep in it that I didn’t know how to get out. I cried out to God, as I felt it, one last time. My wife found His High Places on the Internet. After six weeks of saying “no” and making excuses like “I don’t have the money to waste because they can’t help,” I gave up and gave in. Scared of failure and not knowing what to expect, God met me through my counselor, John, and the staff at HHP. God did a great work of healing and deliverance. Come and be open, honest and teachable, and God will meet you and make you whole again. It was a hard and difficult week working through the pain, but I left better equipped to not only face the world again but experience peace, hope and joy in the process. God wants to bless you. He thinks you are worth it!” - Lost But Now Found, Rob
“As a pastor, it was difficult to move to the other chair and be on the receiving end of ministry. However getting over that hesitancy was the best thing I could have done; my time at HHP has helped me get to a place of health that will enable me to be a better husband, father, and pastor to those God has placed in my life.” - Pastor, PA
"His High Places was able to deliver life-changing wisdom and counsel at the appropriate pace and timing. My marriage will forever be changed for the better because of HHP. My children and grandchildren will benefit because my wife and I attended HHP." - Worship Pastor, Pennsylvania
"Will you take the risk of receiving the most phenomenal cognitive, emotional, and spiritual healing as well as growth for your life's journey? Delight in this truly 'mountain top' experience that will launch you to soar like an eagle." - Teacher, NC
"Sam and Anita are just regular people like you and I. The difference? They have allowed God to use them to be real with people." - From a wife who chose husband, who chose life and obeyed Him
"Just get there! That's half the battle. If you let God, He will walk you through the most amazing transformation. I feel like I came here with half a husband and I'm leaving with a 'whole' new man. I'm refreshed and renewed and we are one! We're in it! Our time here has changed our family's legacy. Praise God!" - Renewed Wife, VA
"I came to His High Places confused, my confidence shaken and shattered. After 29 years as a successful, lead Pastor, a husband of 30 years and father of four boys, I have gained clarity, conviction and confidence in who I am in Christ, understanding past issues that have hindered me. I highly recommend His High Places." - Lead Pastor
"I think that every believer should go through this program at His High Places. Even those with a strong background and solid faith have a lot to learn from the truths presented here. I have been in counseling for over 20 years, saved for 12 of those and didn't even come close, during those years, to experiencing the healing and freedom in Christ that I found during my week at HHP. It is so simple yet so powerful." - Healed and freed
My greatest desire? To leave this week unafraid of my heavenly Father. My next greatest desire? To leave a worshiper, no longer a performer. The Revealer has healed...without hope, I arrived; with renewed hope, I leave. The Living God has met me here. I am restored. -Daughter of the King, PA