One of the core foundations of the original vision for His High Places was to provide ministry to the minister.
One of our early slogans “who ministers to the minister? We do!” remains valid and even more relevant today. Here are a few sobering statistics:
We can help!
God has been using His High Places for over 40 years to speak healing, freedom, and encouragement to ministers and their families.
Here’s what pastors who experienced the ministry at HHP are saying:
“I came to HHP broken and ashamed. I was dominated by doubt and overwhelmed by worry. But I am a new man! Never have I experienced so much freedom, joy, and peace. Without question my wife and kids are getting a brand new husband and daddy!”
“After years of pouring out and giving in ministry I was beat up and worn out. Like Elijah in 1 Kings: 1, I found a place of rest and then met God again and heard the still small voice of my Father renew my spirit!”