His High Places offers hurting Christians a quiet, restorative place to receive
Biblical Counseling and insight into life's challenges.
Our main location is in West Jefferson, North Carolina.

Pulled out of their daily life and placed in a comfortable atmosphere, our guests are given time to rest, reflect and practice the presence of God.
Our guests are housed in our lovely “bed and breakfast" type home in their own private rooms with microwave, refrigerator and coffee pot.
Online Christian Counseling Intensive
Online Intensive Highlights:
20 hours of one-on-one virtual counseling
Includes His High Places workbook materials with core teachings
Comprehensive personal study plan using relevant teachings
Personalized after care plan
Cost: $2,145
“I had pain I didn’t even realize still affected me. God was there to help me unwrap all the hurt and begin the healing. This was truly a life changer. I cannot express how thankful I am for the ministry at HHP.”